Find Out What You’re Made Of With A DNA Test Kit.

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The Benefits of Using a DNA Test Kit

The benefits are primarily to help determine ethnic origin and also genealogical factors that contribute to body structure and hair and eye color.

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Researchers used a DNA test kit on a nearly perfectly preserved mummy called “Otzi” that was found in the glacier in the Alps between Austria and Italy.

From DNA testing, researchers discovered his age and date of birth. In addition, DNA tests showed “Otzi” lived about 3300 years ago and was a farmer. Taking DNA tests further, researchers were able to link modern day Sardinians to this well preserved mummy.

Thus, all of the characteristics found in genealogical DNA test kits reveal a wealth of beneficial information about the origins, lifestyles and demographics of ancestors. Uncovering family history from the earliest possible dateline has the benefit of disclosing illnesses that may cause genetic predispositions transmitted by the genes.

What Will Using a Genealogy DNA Test Kit Reveal?

Most individuals rely on genealogy DNA testing to discover the origins of their family’s health history. It may also reveal genetic predispositions to dwarfism and gigantism.

Medical examiners also rely on DNA test kits to identify criminals. A DNA Test Kit is especially important for those considering in vitro fertilization. DNA testing is also useful in cases where a surrogate bears a child for a couple. DNA test kits play a large role in ensuring that embryos have normal amounts of DNA.

Genealogical DNA Test Kit

The two most commonly used DNA test kits are: Genealogy and Paternity. A genealogy DNA test kit is highly recommended if you desire to know their family ancestry. When paternity is in question, use a DNA Test kit that provides an analysis of specimens used in the test.